It is with great joy (and yet some sorrow in this industry) to announce the new beneficiary for our 2022 year of fundraising.
This is sweet Kenzlie. She is two years old and was diagnosed with High-Risk Neuroblastoma in July. She had a softball size tumor on her left side squishing all of her organs internally. They immediately started chemo and then Kenzlie was chosen in October to fly to Fort Worth, Texas to receive the clinical study treatment of MIBG therapy. They got an MRI done to compare the size of the tumor to when they first started this journey. Her tumor had shrunk from just over 22 inches in diameter, to just barely over 6 inches. Praise God!
Since returning home she has received round 4 of chemo. On December 8th Kenzlie was scheduled for a 6-hour tumor resection. The 6-hour surgery turned in a 14-

hour surgery. Her surgeon did an amazing job and was able to remove the whole tumor and only had to remove 10% of her left kidney. This was a huge win. She finished round 5 of chemo on December 27th, and now they move on to a tandem stem cell bone marrow transplant!
We look forward to meeting this strong fighter and her big brothers and Mom and Dad! We are eager to offer support to this sweet family in whatever way we can this coming year.